Monthly College Counseling Update: September 2023

College Counseling is a-buzz with activity. College admission visitors are coming in daily, seniors are in and out for their family meetings and essay reviews, transcript requests are being processed, letters written, and classes taught. It’s probably the busiest time of year, but we wouldn’t have it any other way.
Almost 90% of senior family meetings are scheduled. As a reminder, these meetings must be completed before transcripts and recommendations can be sent. The discussion includes reviewing each student’s Tentative Application Plan; coordinating a chronological time line of actions by seniors, families, and counselors; and reviewing test optional decisions and confirming deadlines. In last cycle’s College Seminar class we did an Elevator Speech exercise and recommended students seek out interview opportunities at the schools to which they are applying. College Counseling offers practice interviews per requests. 
College counselor assignments have been made for the Class of 2025. Each student should have received a welcome message from their college counselor. Individual meetings will begin after Thanksgiving Break. By that time, we’d recommend all families visit 2 - 4 contrasting schools to help students in articulating some of the fit-factors they are looking for. If families are wondering what is usually most important to students by the end of this process you’re welcome to read our latest College Admission Aukservation. As a reminder, the College Panel is November 16th. All juniors are required to attend and families are more than welcome. Program starts at 6:30 in the SLC.
First Year & Sophomores
In an effort to try and condense communications and limit the number of emails in your inboxes, we’ve moved to a newsletter type communication which will include philosophies, information about upcoming programs, and touch-points that will occur with College Counseling. Should you ever have any questions, please reach out to any member of the office.
Upcoming Programs
September 27th - Let’s Go Digital (SAT/ACT information) Webinar
October 14th - NACAC Philadelphia College Fair (11 AM - 3 PM)
October 16th - Financial Aid Night webinar (senior families only)
October 23rd - Villanova School of Business visit (presently on a waitlist)
November 16th - Junior College Panel (juniors required to attend, families welcome, all other students and families welcome)
December 2nd - Practice ACT (optional, registration to be sent soon)
December 12th - Junior Parent Night (a repeat of this program will be offered January 9th)
January 9th - Junior Parent Night
January 20th - Practice SAT
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grades 9-12 founded in 1932 by the Norbertine Fathers.